Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When the legs of a runner do the talking

I sometime hear runners complaining about the aches  and pains in their legs after a certain workout, i feel happy because that shows that at least something as been done.
Training in Ngong hills Kenya

When i used to do my runs, i used to do it in a decent way (according to me). Going for one hour twenty(1:20) including 20minutes as a warm up and the last 30 min as tempo helped a lot in my races. I wonder when some believe that when you run hard you are a good runner or you can run a good time?

For me running is about being careful and training smart. Making sure you warm up well before you start giving your body a task. 

As a runners you have to challenge yourself sometime but not risking to get injured and stop your training for a couple of days...

Have a good training schedule, follow it closely  and always don't forget to listen to your body. Have all the running recipe such as hills, loops, track, flat area, trails, mountains etc. 

I wish you success on your training as you remember Rio  2016 in around the corner.  Make your dream come true, respect others and help others  where you can. 

Enjoy running!